Social Media and Information Security: what is it and why is it important?

Think Cirrus/Social media security/barbwired fence

Information Security is an important part of our everyday lives and, you know what? I don’t think we even realised.  Over the last few months the NHS has been hit by significant cyber-crime and British Airways suffered a catastrophic I.T. meltdown due to neglect.  So, we know that it’s all too easy to forget how important it is to look after the tech and systems we use every day. Your tech is a vital asset and when looked after properly becomes priceless.

So, whether you’re running a global airline business, a national health service or a small retail store in the city of Chester – it’s important to take your I.T. and information security seriously.

One in five online consumers has been a victim of cybercrime in the past two years, according to McAfee (2011 statistics) and we’re sure those stats would have increased significantly over the last 6-7 years. Out of date software, licensing and the lack of funds to keep technology up to date are fast becoming contributing factors to reduced level of cyber security.

 Social Networking Security Awareness

 However – we also think that social networking is another direct link to the problem. While social networks allow you to keep in touch with family, friends and customers – there are several risks you should consider when using these networks. Here are a few pointers outlining what you need to be mindful of:

Reputation Damage, Identity Theft and Physical Security

When you’re online you should think about your online reputation management, the idea of identity theft, or physical security issues.  Using social networks platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, and many others, means that you could post content that could potentially damage yourself and your business. Your profile could be hacked, your credentials could become compromised, or you could unknowingly invite burglars to your home by publishing your holiday pictures before you’re back in the country. So, whether you are using social media for business or personal use, be mindful of your actions. Suffering the consequences might cause more headaches than its worth.

 Personal and Professional Responsibility

Facebook faces a security challenge that few companies, or even governments, have ever faced: protecting more than 1 billion users of a service that is under constant attack.  You should always take “personal responsibility,” and that means you are ultimately responsible for protecting yourself.  Keep your guard up. Cybercriminals target Facebook frequently. Every time you click on a link, you should be aware of the risks. That goes for business accounts, including emails. Be wary of spam emails and links.

Be careful about making personal information public. Sharing your mother’s name, your pet’s name, or your boyfriend’s name, for example, provides criminals with clues to guess your passwords.

Links to spam and malware

Technology can help make social networking more secure. The most common threats to Facebook users are links to spam and malware sent from compromised accounts. Consumers must be sure to have an active security software subscription, and not to let it lapse.




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