Top tips for improving your broadband connection speed

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There is nothing more annoying than your broadband suddenly slowing down when you have a busy venue full of customers, chatting, posting, sharing and snapchatting. Not only that, you know only too well that your payments systems will start to slow down too, because everything is running over the Wi-F. Here’s how you can bring things back up to speed.

Frustrated by slow broadband?

Average fixed broadband speeds have risen dramatically over the last five years, with the UK’s average download speed hitting 14.7Mbps. But the unfortunate truth is that many people in the country still suffer from slow download speeds – particularly at peak times.

Sometimes there is very little you can do about this. If your business is a significant distance your local telephone exchange, for example, and you still have a copper connection, then you are doomed to suffer slow speeds until better alternatives become available.

However, if your phone lines are capable of delivering faster broadband speeds than you are getting, there are several DIY tricks you can use to improve your chances of getting a faster signal.

  1. Test your speed

If you haven’t already done so, use a speed tester to measure the level at which your broadband connection is currently running. This will allow you to see what difference the following suggestions make to your speed.

  1. Reposition your router

The position of your router can have a significant effect on the quality of your wireless connection. Place it in an area where the signal will be affected by as few obstructions and little interference as possible. For example, away from appliances which emit wireless signals (e.g. cordless phones, baby monitors) and avoiding barriers (such as walls and doors) between the router and your computer. Ideally, it should be positioned up high – on a bookshelf for example.

  1. Check your Wi-Fi settings

Your router has lots of different settings that can affect your wireless broadband signal that can be tweaked and adjusted to help get the best speeds. For example, making sure you use a different wireless channel to your neighbours can reduce interference and drop speeds for both of you. Check your manual for instructions on how to adjust these settings.

  1. Expand your wireless network

If you’re having trouble with wireless, you could invest in a wireless repeater. These improve your wireless range, bouncing the signal over a larger area. You could also add a powerline adapter. These use the wiring in your house to send a Wi-Fi signal around. Wherever you have a free plug socket, you’ll be able to position a wireless hotspot. This is a significantly more expensive option, but is often much more effective.

  1. Switch

After all these measures, if your current package still isn’t giving you the speed you want, it may be time to switch provider. Use an Ofcom-accredited comparison calculator to compare broadband deals and find a more suitable package for you.

  1. It’s good to talk

If you are not getting what you expected from your ISP, then give them a call. You may be able to boost your connection speed simply by asking them if they can identify a fault on the line, taking steps to fix it for you. Alternatively, if you’ve been on the same package for a long time – 12 months or more – your package might be outdated. Not only may faster options be available, you may be paying more than you need to. It’s up to you which of those is worse.

Alternatively – lets have a chat.  Sometimes trying to resolve an I.T. issue yourself can be a bit of a ball ache. Why not give us a call and we’ll give you free advice and guidance on what you need to do next. As the small business I.T. experts we’ve experienced your problems and feel your pain.

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