Cyber Security

Cirrus offers comprehensive cyber security services to protect UK businesses from online threats, recommending a multi-faceted approach with essential and optional solutions.

Business Phones from Cirrus

An extensive range of cyber security services to protect your organisation.

Cybercrime is on the rise, and it has never been more essential to protect your organisation with a robust cyber security package.

Cyber criminals are constantly working to get to your information, but understanding the many different types of threat, attack and security can feel like a minefield to navigate. That’s where we can help by offering a comprehensive, multi-faceted cyber security package which we tailor to meet your organisation’s needs.

At Cirrus we recommend a multi-faceted approach to cyber security. We believe it is essential to take this approach to give your organisation the best protection possible.

People first. Technology second.

Why do I need cyber security?

All businesses, and individuals, need cyber security. Protecting your business from a cyber-attack isn’t just sensible, it’s essential. With 32% of SME’s reporting cyber-attacks in 2023, could you afford for your business to be next?

Here at Cirrus, we offer multi-faceted, bespoke cyber security packages to protect all elements of your online business. We believe that people come first; helping to protect your organisation from the high costs, business loss, and organisational chaos that a cyber-attack causes is the reason we take this approach.

We understand the many different types of threat and we only partner with the best providers to find the best cyber security solutions for your business. Through an analysis of your organisation’s security needs and working to your budget we provide the best cyber security solution for your business.

Why is cyber security important for my business?

Cyber security is essential because it protects your organisation’s systems, networks, and programs from cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks can devastate a business, with the cost of a cyber-attack to an SME estimated to average £4,960. It’s not only the financial cost that cyber security safeguards against, but also the reassurance to your customers that your business is safeguarding their sensitive data.

Here is a list of just some of the reasons why cyber security is crucial for your business:

  • To protect your private business information
  • To defend against reputational damage
  • To stay compliant with regulations
  • To protect the value of your business
  • To prevent costs which could devalue or bankrupt your business
  • To prevent business disruption

How to optimise your cyber security?

With over 3 out of every 10 SME’s reporting a cyber-attack of some kind, your business needs cyber security. Cirrus takes the time to understand your business and optimises a complete defence package to keep your business secure. We understand that cyber crime is wide ranging and constantly evolving, which is why we recommend a multi-layered approach to defence. There is not just one solution to preventing a cyber-attack.

At Cirrus we recommend a two-step approach to optimise cyber security and we can advise you on how best to implement this two-step strategy within your business to create optimum cyber security protection.

Step 1: Cyber Security

Implement a multi-layered defence system to protect all areas of your business which are online. Implementing a single or even double technological defence system such as anti-virus (AV) software and malware protection is not going to keep the cyber criminals out of your business. You need a comprehensive approach which protects all your online data and business areas.

Cyber security needs to be viewed in component parts – for each area of online business you have you need security. It’s like locking the front door of your house, but not locking the back door – you are vulnerable to theft. By implementing bespoke security to each area of your online business you create a multi-layered defence system which provides your business with the best technological security.

Step 2: Cyber Security Policy

Educate your employees in the reasons for the tools you use and make sure that you put policies in place that would prevent a user disabling, or worse uninstalling, your new security software. Working to compliance and implementing a policy-based solution ensures that changes do not happen, or at the very least you can put safeguards in place to inform you if they did occur.

At Cirrus, we have skilled and experienced staff on-hand to help guide you through creating optimum security which is effective at keeping cyber criminals at bay. We listen to our clients and provide bespoke advice which is easy to understand and breaks-down this complex area of business security. With our expert knowledge we can help you to create a robust and informed cyber security solution for your business.

Our Services:

From hardware to software, malware to awareness, and guidance for best practice, our services, which we think of as providing the Fundamentals of Security, help provide your business with multi-layered, optimum cyber security.

Cyber Security?

Protecting your business on-line is a fundamental that all business should be more proactive about. In the UK 38% of SME’s reported some kind of Cyber incident in 2023 Cyber Guidance for SME

Here are a few things you should be thinking about to make your business more secure on-line

Cyber Guidance for SME

What are the Fundamentals of Security?

So before we dip into the specifics lets talk about a couple of overriding principles worth bearing in mind.

  1. Security is created through a number of layered solutions.  It’s not just about (for example) having Antivirus (AV). AV is important but it needs to be thought of as a component and one of a number of solutions
  2. Policy based application of the tools you use to.  There is no point having AV if you are going to allow users to disable or uninstall it.  A policy based solution will ensure these changes cannot take place OR that you are at the very least notified to take action.

Access Control

What is access control?

Access control is a form of data security which allows a business to control who is authorised to access data and resources on a computer-based system. As a starting point, the government’s cyber essentials scheme recommends that if: “only authorised individuals have user accounts, and that they’re only granted as much access as they need to carry out their role, you reduce the risk of information being stolen or damaged.”

We provide solutions for Passwords, Single Sign On (SSO), Password Managers & Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and Biometrics to help your business stay secure.

Why does my business need this type of cyber security?

Protecting access to your sensitive data using at least two of the solutions we provide, as a minimum, helps you to safeguard your information and data. Using a password is one step but ask yourself, where will your employee keep that password, will they share it, and how securely will they guard it? By adding a password manager & MFA to your access control you are reducing the risk of a security breach as your staff member now has a safe place to store their password and access can be monitored through the authentication process.

Depending on your environment, the applications you use, how they are accessed, by whom and from where, your business may need more than just two access control options.

SSO for Starters & Leavers

What is SSO for starters and leavers?

Single sign-on (SSO) is a way of simplifying how you login to applications. Using this as a form of account management for staff turnover – new employees and leaving employees – means that permissions to your business data can be controlled, changed, and revoked as needed.

Why does my business need SSO for starters and leavers?

This system simplifies access to your data whilst keeping access secure and streamlined. It is a useful and practical approach to access and security which benefits your business by simplifying administration experiences and by improving and streamlining the experience of your staff with password management.

Password Managers

What is a Password Manager?

Password managers are secure applications which hold all of your passwords in one place, and which help to generate strong passwords which are less likely to be hacked. They provide a safe option for storing passwords and prevent staff from keeping passwords on pieces of paper which can be lost and in phones, both of which can be readily accessed by other people making your data vulnerable.

Why does my business need a Password Manager?

Password Managers help you to create and store long secure passwords for your business, storing them in one secure and convenient app. If the password for a system is secure and the password itself is 20 Characters, contains upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters breaching the password itself is much less likely to happen. That said, there are forms of attack which can still breach these long passwords, which is why we still recommend using the password manager in conjunction with an MFA to provide robust access and decrease the need to have regular password changes. 

Disk Encryption

What is Disk Encryption?

Disk Encryption is a software that protects your business’s sensitive information by turning it into code so that it is protected from unauthorised access. In the event that your equipment is stolen, this software would protect your data. 

Why does my business need to use Disk Encryption?

If you are running Windows 10 or 11 in your business environment Disk Encryption is built-in and FREE to use. It may need to be enabled, depending on the settings you are running, but it is an easy step to take that won’t cost your business anything to implement but may save you money in the future. If you are running MacOS, all versions support FREE encryption too.

Patch Management

What is Patch Management?

Patch Management is the process of issuing and applying updates to software to fix vulnerabilities in the software which, if left exposed, may leave you at a higher risk of cyber-attack.

Why does my business need to use Patch Management?

Most high-profile data breaches which have occurred in the last few years, such as at the NHS and Talk Talk, have been largely attributed to cyber criminals exploiting a vulnerability that had been previously addressed, but the update was simply not deployed to devices. Patching applications, Operating Systems & Hardware all need to form part your defence strategy.  A policy-based solution can ensure updates are not delayed or forgotten, by scheduling them to happen outside of core working hours. This prevents interrupting business productivity and impacting costs at key operational times.


What is Antivirus?

Antivirus software (which is also known as anti-malware) is a program or set of programs which prevent, detect, and remove malicious software and viruses from your business devices. It is a security program that should be part of every cyber security strategy.

Why does my business need Antivirus?

There is a plethora of antivirus packages on the market, but it is important to choose the best one for your operating system to ensure that all your software is covered. Remember, cyber-attacks are not limited to one place or one type of attack. You need a robust system protecting your files, networks, and applications, which has the flexibility to cover your business needs, has enterprise grade security and vulnerability management to name a few important component parts.

The application of antivirus software needs to be supported by a policy which prevents users from disabling the system and which, importantly, alerts you when malicious content is detected.

Mail Scanning

What is Mail Scanning?

This is a service where mail is scanned and checked before it lands in your mailbox, providing you with the knowledge that your mail is always safe to open.

Why does my business need Mail Scanning?

If you are wondering if mail scanning is safe; rest-assured that it is one of the most effective ways to keep your mail safe, particularly given that mail is such a huge part of any business operations. Email is the number one method of transmitting threats. Mail threats often appear genuine and can even look like they are from familiar and trusted sources. Increasingly emails contain links to other sites, have attached documents or ask you to call a number for an alarming reason. Mail scanning checks your links too, so you have the peace of mind that your email is safe to open.   

Successful cyber security is multi-faceted.

Backing-up your data, implementing network policies and having a robust firewall should all form part of your defence strategy. Looking towards Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus certification is also highly beneficial in building a great cyber security strategy that provides both cyber protection to your devices and arms your employees with the awareness they need to keep your business cyber secure.

Why choose Cirrus?

We provide bespoke solutions and keep up to date with the latest news in cyber security. We provide managed services, so we are on hand for advice, and we partner with some of the best providers to ensure your business is secure. We understand the importance of a robust defence to cybercrime, and we can help support your business create its cyber security strategy.

Why not drop us a message: [email protected] or if you would prefer a chat, call one of our friendly team on 03303 130966

Interested in one of the services above? Get in touch with one of our friendly team today!